Monday 8 February 2010

Oh dear God, no.

Today, I completely humiliated myself.
Not even in a 'yeah-that-was-completely-humiliating-but-I'm-over-exaggerating-so-I'm-sure-it'll-be-fine' way, but a 'I'm-not-sure-I'll-ever-be-able-to-show-my-face-again' way.

I threw up, all over myself, in class. There was like no warning, I just threw up into my hands and ran out the room. Sophie followed me, wretching, but ready to aid me if I needed her, and we rushed to the toilets. My trousers had taken the brunt of it, but I'd managed to catch almost all of it and so I thought I was saved. I was completely and ridiculously embarassed, though, and refused to go back to Film. So I went to sit in the library, starting reading November 2004 Vogue (I've been working my way through the College library's back copies), then felt a bit sick again, so rushed back off to the toilets. But it was too late. I was sick once again into my hands, but not so lucky this time round, spilled it onto the floor and all over my trousers, blazer and hair. Hair. I locked myself into a toilet cubicle and called my mum, who didn't pick up.

I was mortified, and didn't want to leave the cubicle because people had seen it happen and were laughing. Laughing. I almost died. Sophie came in to save me again, and some kind girl offered me like a million baby wipes, and I cleaned myself up as best as I could and called my mum, dad and stepdad maybe 10 times each, to no answer. My mum finally called me back and came to pick me up (I think I would have cried if she hadn't, being humiliated as I was, I didn't want to be stuck in sick-covered clothes in college...)

It was awful and I definately never want a repeat performance. I'm the sort of person who has a panic attack at the thought of making a very minor fool of myself in front of other people, so this was just my worst nightmare. Sophie, Alex and Adam said that no one saw and that no one's going to mention it, but I don't know if I'll be able to face them again, like, ever. :(

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