Wednesday 14 July 2010

My brain in recent weeks

So I made the decision, after finishing college for the Summer, to become healthy and fit by eating properly and exercising.

Usually when I make these sorts of decisions, I at least start honourably. I was like 'okay, Sophie and I will start our exercise regime on Monday, because starting at the beginning of the week is a good idea, and that means if I eat three pieces of cake on Sunday, that's okay because I am not yet trying to be healthy and it's the weekend.'

However, on Monday it was raining and we'd planned to go running, and I'm allergic to cold weather, and have an intolerance to cardio-based exercise, so the two mixed together would probably send me into anaphylactic shock and then I would die, and then I wouldn't be healthy because I would be dead. I didn't even call Sophie, or text her. I was just like 'if I don't get in touch, she'll just think I forgot,' but actually she realised that once again I was experiencing, in her own words, committment issues with jogging. I also had 3 breakfasts.

Then yesterday we actually exercised properly, for about an hour, and I felt invigorated. I was all 'YES I CAN FEEL MY FAT TURNING INTO MUSCLE ALREADY' but then after tea I started craving a sandwich, so I had one of those... then I had a bowl of Cheerios because we'd ran out of Cocopops at about half 11pm.

I thought today I could start taking this a little more seriously. I had my driving theory this morning (and passed!) and Sophie and I are going swimming later tonight. Because things were going so well, I rewarded myself with a Nobbly Bobbly.

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