Saturday 16 January 2010


My money spending is unstoppable recently, it's getting pretty bad... I drew out my last tenner yesterday so that I have some money on me if I need to catch the bus or something but I don't plan on using it otherwise, since I won't have any more until the very end of January.

I think it's all this cold weather, ice and snow. It's depressing and I am seeking solace in the Sales racks. In the past week (week!) I've purchased an oversized white tshirt with dark navy stripes and a puffy silver shiny skirt from River Island; I'm always going in there to make eyes at all the pretty clothes but I've never actually bought anything from there before because it's usually out of my price range (sad). I've bought a lace print jersey dress from, which I am in love with, the rose coloured Topshop tights pictured in one of my previous posts, a fitted black blazer and a dark beetroot-red silk tunic/dress from the New Look sales. I also bought Michael Bublé's Call Me Irresponsible album, and Jason Mraz's We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things album (finally, after listening to it on a loop for months on Spotify), and Paris Je T'aime... and I ordered The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Dans Paris from ... Oh! and 4 new pairs of shoes...

I sound like a shopaholic.
I probably am a shopaholic.
The first stage of getting over a problem is admitting you have one.

I am no longer going to spend money. At least for the time being, since I have none. Haha!
I do really love the new stuff that I've bought, so I'll probably post some pictures soon of me wearing some of it :) Maybe.

I know this post is becoming horrifyingly long but I'm in a chatty mood and since this is for my own pleasure and no one will ever read it (except, of course, you, my beloved imaginary reader) I'm going to write as much as I feel like.

Today, Bee and I watched the end of Series 5 of Gilmore Girls and the first 3 episodes of the sixth series (which is so far, depressing and infuriating) and I must have been in a hungry mood because everything they ate on the show seemed delicious to me, and made me crave donuts, and I texted my mum 5 times in around 2 hours, and all the texts concerned food, 3 of which included pleas for her to buy donuts. So I got home for tea and ate pizza and donuts and I seriously don't think I've ever been this full in my life (except for the other day when Bee and I ate Rolo ice cream with Baileys, or the time we ate an entire 12" pizza and 2 portions of cheesy chips between us before Photography, or... well, you get the point) but I feel incredibly satisfied. We watched Paranormal Activity too and my mum and aunty actually screamed, it was hilarious! Today was a good day.

I really want chocolate milkshake...

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